The Geo People
11 Jun 2015
The Geo People attends JNCC MMO course at Plymouth Aquarium, UK

The Geo People was pleased to attend the Seiche JNCC MMO course at Plymouth Aquarium in June to acquire first-hand knowledge of how our MMOs are trained.

The JNCC accredited Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) course is run over two days to provide comprehensive coverage of the MMO role. A mixture of classroom and practical boat sessions are delivered by a former MMO of many years' experience. Insight into life offshore and the practicalities of the MMO role ensure a very thorough preparation for prospective MMOs. However, those from an industry background (working alongside MMOs) will benefit from the full exploration of the complexities of mitigation requirements. A keen interest in marine mammals is key.

Modules include:

  • Anthropogenic Noise and its Effects on Marine-life
  • Legislative Background
  • Role of the MMO
  • JNCC Mitigation for Seismic Surveys, VSP, Pile-Driving and Explosives
  • JNCC Recording and Reporting
  • Marine Mammal Identification
  • Surveying Techniques in Practice

Andrea Collins, a Director with The Geo People, who attended the course at Plymouth, has worked offshore in seismic and navigation processing and as a vessel supervisor. Andrea understands what it's like being offshore, having had inside knowledge of team building on board ship. The course provided excellent insight as to the expectations of MMOs, when at sea.

Andrea Collins said "The Seiche MMO course has given an excellent insight into the requirements and regulations surrounding marine mammal observation. It was highly instructive and I would like to thank everyone involved."

The Geo People provides MMOs for marine seismic, VSP, rig decommissioning, and site surveys. If you are a client looking to source projects requiring MMOs, The Geo People would be pleased to hear from you.

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