The Geo People
12 Jun 2015
The Geo People becomes MMOA corporate sponsor

The Geo People is pleased to announce its sponsorship of the Marine Mammal Observer Association (MMOA).

The MMOA represents and supports professional marine mammal observers (MMO) and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM). The association provides a means for experienced MMOs to exchange information, ask questions and discuss MMO issues through an interactive website facilitated by an online MMO Forum and Information Directory. The MMOA represents these views in feedback to regulatory authorities, academics and industry to improve standards of marine mammal mitigation during offshore operations. The Association encourages continuing professional development of its members.

The  MMOA is a membership based association with the aim of bringing together and representing individuals who work commercially and professionally as Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Operators who implement mitigation measures to protect marine life during industry operations. The MMOA also provides information to other individuals that have an interest in MMO issues.

Andrea Collins said "Many of our projects at The Geo People have included MMO and PAM and the provision of PAM equipment and so there is a lot to contribute from the seismic consultancy side and this looks like just the right forum. I look forward to referring with the MMOA, for our marine projects".

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