The Geo People
22 Jul 2015
UK Government body advised by The Geo People on renewables

As part of The Geo People’s offering to the renewables industry, company Director, Andrea Collins has advised ORE Catapult, the government funded UK’s flagship technology innovation and research centre for offshore wind, wave and tidal energy.

ORE Catapult deliver research with world class test and demonstration facilities, collaborating with industry, academia and government to reduce the cost of offshore renewable energy to create UK economic benefit.

ORE Catapult is an independent, not-for-profit business that exists to accelerate the development of offshore wind, wave and tidal technologies. Its team of over 120 people has extensive technical and research capabilities, industry experience and track record. Through world-class testing and research programmes, it works for industry, academia and government to improve technology reliability and enhance knowledge, directly impacting upon the cost of offshore renewable energy.

Guidance was given to ORE by The Geo People on reducing coring costs when laying down the foundations for wind, wave and tidal energy substructure, and also involved much talk about different methods of seismic acquisition, AUVs and PCPT testing and exciting ways forward.

Andrea Collins’s close links to engineering development within academia, will also hopefully, foster significant research progress within this area.

Further information on ORE Catapult may be found on their web site.

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