The Geo People
Case studies | The Geo People
QC consultants acquire 2D seismic data, Libya

Client: Major oil company
Topic: Survey QC for 2D land seismic


  • The Geo People supported seismic operations on behalf of a major oil company
  • 2D land survey 
  • Four blocks in Libya
  • Two crews to work in separate areas simultaneously


  • Presence of archaeological remains
  • Diverse topography
  • High sand dunes 
  • Presence of UXO


  • Archaeological remains required to be left undisturbed, documented and reported immediately
  • Sand dunes were approximately 30-50m high and bulldozers were needed to create access for the crew’s vibrators
  • Clearance of both discovered unexploded ordnance (UXO) from World War II and landmines from the recent Libya/Egypt dispute of 1977
  • Full operations supervision, a technical audit and survey QC
  • Supervision of construction of GPS control network which used RTK GPS methodology. Modifications were made by our consultants to seismic lines involving extensions, shortening, cancellation and movement
  • Reports submitted to client on daily, weekly and monthly basis


  • Produced a final GPS network report, a RTK survey report, an ITRF network tying-in report and a general acquisition QC report
  • Safe seismic and navigation data acquisition
  • Accurately positioned seismic data
  • Reinforcement of the results and findings of an initial airborne gravity survey over the same area
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